bround #
pyspark.sql.functions.bround(col, scale=0) #
version: since 2.0.0
Round the given value to scale decimal places using HALF_EVEN rounding mode if scale >= 0 or at integral part when scale < 0.
Scale: Decimal places
Runnable Code:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# Set up dataframe
data = [{"a": 1.85,"b": 2},{"a": 1.86},{"b": 5}]#,{}]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data)
df = df.drop("b")
# Use function
df = (df
a | bround |
1.85 | 1.8 |
1.86 | 1.9 |
null | null |
I normally just use the standard round function which does what I would normally expect. I’m not sure exactly what the difference is except this uses HALF_EVEN instead of HALF_UP. See the java docs on specifics for this:
returns: Column(sc._jvm.functions.bround(_to_java_column(col), scale))
tags: round, round up, round down, decimal places
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