array_sort #
pyspark.sql.functions.array_sort(col) #
version: since 2.4.0
Collection function: sorts the input array in ascending order. The elements of the input arraymust be orderable. Null elements will be placed at the end of the returned array.
Runnable Code:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# Set up dataframe
data = [{"a":3,"b":2,"c":2},{"a":3,"c":5}]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data)
df ="a"),F.col("b"),F.col("c")).alias("a"))
# Use function
df = (df
a | array_sort |
[3, 2, 2] | [2, 2, 3] |
[3, null, 5] | [3, 5, null] |
Simple array function.
returns: Column(sc.\_jvm.functions.array_sort(\_to_java_column(col)))
tags: sort array, sort list
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